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Oh this is very wonderful thank you ✨


this is extremely cool !! i love that there is kind of a creative challenge where the player has to break rules that they themselves have come up with (or rules inferred from their knowledge of how super mario games work) , or just make new rules, like imagine a new power-up for example (on my second run, i imagined mario had a pickaxe to break blocks).

 In my opinion this game works a lot better than the original "8 - imagine" from "What is a video game ?", probably because of the sequential nature of it, but also because the image is static so there's more room for interpretation of the koopas' animations, and there's no music so you can imagine any music, or even go on youtube and search for one to play in the background lol. 

Although, i think the game quickly loses momentum once the setting completely disappears imo. Once the clouds were gone, i was thrown out the game completely lol

this makes me think of when i was a kid, i would draw platforming levels and parkour challenges for characters to go through. i would either imagine the characters moving or draw a line that would represent their trajectory.

i could see multiple players playing the game at once, and after each level, they would talk about their solution to the level, what they imagined the characters did etc. but maybe it would be too bothersome to explain with words some actions that seem so straightforward in imagination... mmmh...

anyway, all of that to say, this is a very very cool experiment, and a great source of inspiration !

hell yeah thanks for the nice message! happy that you enjoyed it, making this game was really transformative to me, my friend d just made a fan game today about this and its beautiful.

i definitely took some poetic liberties towards the end haha but thats the way i found of playing with the rules in our heads.


i played your friend's game, it's really rad ! this little mario can truly do anything !!

oh yeah i definitely understand why you went with something more poetic at the end, even if it's not personally my cup of tea it's experimentations that are really interesting !!


Quando eu era pequeno eu não tinha dinheiro para comprar os minigames que o pessoal da rua tinha. Daí eu desenhava minigames temáticos em uma folha de papel que encaixasse bem nas minhas mãos. Tinha Sonic, Mario, Street Fighter. A tela estática e eu imaginando os pulos, magias e tudo mais. O engraçado é que com o tempo alguns meninos da rua começaram a pedir uns minigames personalizados de papel  hehe. Acho incrível jogos que nos fazem imaginar!

que massa! veeei tu tinha que achar essas paradas e postar por aqui. eu no minimo ia curtir muito. tb desenhava umas fases de mario quando era criança e inventava cartinha de pokemon tb. manda um minigame personalizado pra mim haha.

imaginação é massa demais

Cara, pior que já fucei em tudo quanto é lugar e não achei. Essa semana vou visitar meu pai e vou dar mais uma procurada geral. Seria massa encontrar! Aí te mando também




speedrun this game


Its important to know that the current official speedrun™ of this game uses the in game timer, not an actual wall clock. Its a very important distinction since the achievement of 24 frame wall clock run (0.4s)


imagine a bus




Loved it


Thanks! If ou liked the concept make sure to also check out the game I mention that inspired me, it has some very interesting ideas to do in games =)